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  • Tags: U.S. Coast Guard

Chief Boatswain's Mate Max Fix (left) and Herman Lunebring (right) with channel bass 8-12 lbs. that they caught near St. Augustine. Max Fix was…

The chemical warfare book features typed instructions and handwritten illustrations. This belonged to Jay Owens, former USCG member that trained in…

Sketch cartoon drawings of a recruit with a vampire figure about to administer a shot, secondary sketch of a pig.

Arthur Chestnut, a U.S.…

U.S.C.G Band and Vocalist Performing at a Ball in the Hotel Ponce de Leon Dining Room, St. Augustine, FL

U.S.C.G Band performing at a Ball in the Hotel Ponce de Leon Dining Room, St. Augustine, FL

A trainee walking and swinging a bucket of paint while under the watchful eye of an officer, west side of the Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, FL

A Coast Guard Trainee, sweeping the grounds on the West Side of the Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, FL

Two Coast Guard Baseball Players kneeling for photo during a game, St. Augustine, FL

Seven Coast Guard Baseball players, St. Augustine, FL

Recruits arriving at the Hotel Ponce de Leon Coast Guard Training Station, St. Augustine, FL

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