National Park Service, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and Fort Matanzas National Monument


National Park Service, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and Fort Matanzas National Monument


Anne R. Lewellen
Museum Curator


The Castillo de San Marcos and Fort Matanzas National Monuments museum collection collects and preserves documents, photographs, ephemera, maps, plans, historic objects, and natural history specimens directly relating to the monuments. Collection includes documents generated by NPS staff and volunteers during the course of business, material collected during permitted archeological projects, as well as objects donated or purchased.

The WWII collection includes photographs of U.S. Coast Guard graduation ceremonies, and photographs of uniformed servicemen and women touring the fort.


Most images are in the public domain, but users are responsible for checking copyright.


Paper documents, photographs, negatives, and slides. Some items have been digitized.



Access Rights

Contact Museum Curator, Anne Lewellen, at for information or access to the collections.

Is Part Of

Collection Items

U.S. Servicemen posed in the courtyard of the Castillo de San Marcos.

U.S servicemen standing on the Castillo de San Marcos gun deck, in front of the bell tower

U.S. servicemen standing on the gundeck of the Castillo de San Marcos, looking at the Matanzas Bay

U.S. servicemen pretending to fire a large iron cannon on the gundeck of the Castillo de San Marcos

U.S. Coast Guard Cavalryman on horseback on the grounds of the Castillo de San Marcos. The Coast Guard patrolled remote stretches of the Atlantic…

U.S. Coast Guard Indoctrination Ceremony. Officers in dark uniforms standing at attention on the Castillo de San Marcos gundeck.

U.S. Coast Guard Office Indoctrination Ceremony. Men with rifles performing drill on the gundeck of the Castillo de San Marcos.

U.S Coast Guard Officer Indoctrination Ceremony. Officers and enlisted men standing at folding chairs in the Castillo courtyard. A few men walking to…

U.S. Coast Guard Officer Indoctrination Graduation. Men with rifles marching in straight lines on Castillo gundeck.

U.S. Army camp on north grounds of the Castillo de San Marcos. Tents, trucks and covered trailers visible from gundeck.

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