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  • Tags: Castillo de San Marcos

Online tutorial explaining how to find St. Johns County World War II resources housed in Tallahassee that have been digitized and made available for…

Black servicemen in dress uniforms visiting from Welch Convalescent Hospital (Daytona Beach) pose in front of Castillo chapel. Weekly visits to the…

Group of male and female military service members (including Women's Army Corps) looking at sign near ravelin entrance at the Castillo de San Marcos.…

Four women in military uniforms (Coast Guard SPARS) with man in tan on gundeck of the Castillo de San Marcos.

Large group of U.S. sailors at edge of Castillo de San Marcos gundeck. Georgia Tech Naval Cadets from Jacksonville station visiting the fort prior to…

U.S. Army camp with four large tents and the front of an Army truck. Castillo de San Marcos visible in the background.

Machine gun mounted on rear of army truck with Castillo de San Marcos visible in the background. Two U.S. Army servicemen stand next to gun.

U.S. Army camp on north grounds of the Castillo de San Marcos. Tents, trucks and covered trailers visible from gundeck.

U.S. Coast Guard Officer Indoctrination Graduation. Men with rifles marching in straight lines on Castillo gundeck.

U.S Coast Guard Officer Indoctrination Ceremony. Officers and enlisted men standing at folding chairs in the Castillo courtyard. A few men walking to…

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